
Crazy about fashion? check out latest fashion tips.

Fashion Tips

Worrying about a broader shoulder.

If you think that your upper body is a bit large for comfort, then you should wear a shawl for it. Aside from a shawl, a scarf can also achieve the same effect, which is to hide your problem area. Just pick the right color in accordance to your whole outfit, so that you can make a good fashion statement.

Splurge on fashionable items that are important to you.

It is always best to go with your senses when it comes to purchasing items that can help you with being fashionable. Thus, if you feel like purchasing a very nice fashion accessory, such as a bag , a pair of sunglasses, and such, then opt for the best that you can afford. By doing that, you would become more confident in wearing them, which would also improve your looks.

Choosing the right fabrics for a thin man.

If you are quite thin, you can actually improve the way you look, by making sure that you are purchasing the right kind of fabric for it. For skinny men, it is best to go with heavier fabrics, since it can add more bulk. Thus, if you are looking for a good pair of pants, choose one that is made out of corduroy, especially if it has the right style.

Being fat.

Even if you have gained a lot of pounds quite recently, there are still some things that you can do to make you look fitter. One of which is to make sure that your clothes are not too tight. When your shirt hugs your body, it actually emphasizes your lumps and bumps. Thus, draw lesser attention to it, by wearing something that is loose enough, without overdoing it.

Making your hair look bolder.

If you are a brunette, you can actually do something to make it look bolder. A good idea is to color it with something that is two tones darker that the roots of your hair. This will make your hair super shiny, especially if you color it with a coffee shade or deep chocolate.

Drawing more attention to your shoulders.

If you want to make your body look fitter instead of fat, then avoid wearing shirts with sloped shoulders. Tops with sloped shoulders can actually make people put their attention to your midsection. Thus, instead of sloped shoulders, opt for slightly squared ones, so that you can draw more attention to your face as well as your shoulders.

The best summer hair colors.

During summer, it is best to go with natural colors when it comes to your hair. Natural hair color simply means colors that are natural to your skin tone. Aside from that, such hair colors should not clash with your eyebrows and face, which make it look as if it is your real hair color.

Wearing highlights.

Wearing highlights these days is not as popular as they are years ago. However, you can still take advantage of them in order to make a statement. Wear highlights that are at least a shade lighter than your natural hair color, and try to spread them just underneath the layers. By doing it this way, the highlights would actually provide more volume to your hair, aside from making them more natural.

Hiding your midsection.

If you want to hide a bulgy midsection, then you should empty your pockets. Your pockets should be free from things like mobile phones, wallets that are overstuffed and so on. This is because, the more bulky your pockets would look like, the more attention it would draw to your midsection.

Purchasing more fashionable clothing.

One of the best ways to make it easier for you to shop for more fashionable clothing is to wear all your favorite clothes at home. Take note of their colors and their fit, as well as how they accentuate your best features. Remember them when you go and shop, so that you can purchase similar shapes, sizes, colors, lengths, fabrics, and styles.

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