1. Big Think – Browse videos featuring experts across a wide range of disciplines, from personal health to business leadership to neuroscience.
  2. YouTube Edu – This channel aggregates the best educational videos on the site.
  3. Khan Academy – Courses about math, science, computer programming, history, art, economics, and more.
  4. MIT Video – Over 12,000 educational videos available for free.
  5. TED Ed – TED alone offers thousands of awesome videos, but TED Ed is specialized on educational videos only.
  6. Educational videos on YouTube – List of the best educational YouTube channels.
  7. MIT Open Courseware – “The idea is simple: to publish all of our course materials online and make them widely available to everyone.” – Over 1250 course materials available for free for everyone.
  8. Cosmolearning – Aggregator of the best online courses. Over 500 courses and 12,000 video lectures available for free.
  9. Level Up Tuts – Free video tutorials for web developers and designers.
  10. Coursera– Arguably one of the most popular website for free courses. 10 million people using the site already.
  11. LearnVest – This website helps you learn the basics of managing your money.
  12. Lumosity – Train your brain with entertaining games.
  13. Gibbon – The ultimate playlist for learning.
  14. Instructables – How-to guides for cool projects.